Impossible Cure Newsletter -- February 2010


It's Time To Register!

The biggest and most exciting homeopathic event each year is the annual Joint American Homeopathy Conference, organized by the National Center for Homeopathy. This year's conference is entitled Effective Homeopathy: Mastering Skills and Strategies and is being held in Alexandria, Virginia, the weekend of April 9-11, 2010. Register today!

The 2010 conference features two day-long introductory seminars -- one on Sunday April 11 given by well-known homeopathic author Miranda Castro, and the other on Saturday April 10 by homeopathic educator Karen Allen. A day-long advanced seminar is being given on Friday April 9 by Paul Herscu, as well as a two-day homeopathic midwifery seminar by M.J. Hanafin on Friday and Saturday. Other speakers include homeopaths Kim Elia, Amy Rothenberg, Ken Silvestri, and David Warkentin.

A highlight of the weekend will be a Saturday evening trip to the Hahnemann Monument in Washington, DC (see photo), in honor of Hahnemann's 255th birthday on April 10.


Ignatia -- A remedy to remember when love goes awry...

With Valentine's Day coming up this month, it's sometimes good to remember a remedy that can help when love doesn't go our way -- Ignatia Amara. It is one of the primary remedies for acute grief, whether it be from the loss of a loved one from death or just a break-up. It can also be quite useful in other grief situations -- for example, when one has lost a beloved possession or one's job. (However, if the feeling of grief is accompanied by strong anger and indignation, another remedy to consider is Staphysagria. If the grief has become a long-term condition and the person is closed and hardened by it, a remedy like Natrum Muriaticum might be more appropriate.)

One of the keynotes of Ignatia is constant sighing and the feeling that one has a lump in one's throat -- that feeling of being all "choked up." When you're in an Ignatia state, you might also feel a bit hysterical. Other symptoms can include involuntary weeping, sleeplessness, impatience, irritability, and indecision. A quick dose of Ignatia (30c is a good potency that can be found in any health food store) can really calm the nerves in these kinds of situations.

As always, consult first with your homeopath if you are currently undergoing homepathic treatment, because taking another remedy can interfere with the remedy you are on. If you are not currently undergoing homeopathic treatment, do not take any remedy for more than a few days without consulting with a homeopath. Finally, remember these tips that apply to all remedies:
* Once you feel relief, do not take another dose unless the symptoms return
* Do not repeat more frequently than three times a day or as advised by your homeopath
* Do not repeat if you experience any worsening of symptoms


Another place where Ignatia could come in handy right now is in Haiti...

All of the world is acutely aware right now of the plight of the people of Haiti. Homeopaths are also trying to help. The excellent organization Homeopaths Without Borders is embarking on a mission to bring supplies and homeopathic help and training to the people there. Homeopathic remedies are extremely effective in treating shock and grief, as well as physical trauma. This has been shown over and over -- when homeopaths were on scene helping people after the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and after 9-11. Members of the National Center for Homeopathy can read articles about these efforts in Homeopathy Today (just search the on-line back issues).


Don't forget the gift of Impossible Cure !

Impossible Cure can be an excellent Valentine's or birthday gift for your loved one. Many people have written to me over the years telling me that reading Impossible Cure has convinced their relative or friend -- even a skeptical one -- to give homeopathy a try. So giving the gift of Impossible Cure can be like giving the gift of Homeopathy itself. To find out how to order, just go to

Also, don't forget to explore the web site. In particular, you can find referral lists to practitioners, various useful links, the Cure Stories Database, and the four-year archive of my radio shows -- all for free. Check it out today!